
Showing posts from April, 2021
  Happy International World Jazz Day - 30th April 2021 from Francesca Darien-Hyde LLB MA from the UK
 50 has been the turning point
Tolerant Monarchs in the Bible - Iraqi and Persian/Iranian Descent Over a century before his birth the Monarch from Iran was appointed as the King who would exercise tolerance towards God's people. King Cyrus was the only non Jewish monarch who was anointed by Yahweh the God of Israel - ISAIAH 45:1 . King Nebuchadnezzar, the Iraqi conqueror of Judah and Jerusalem, carried off the 4,600 Jews into captivity and dealt kindly with God's prophets, the prophet he was especially fond of was Daniel. The monarch trusted Daniel's advice and Daniel stuck by the ill-fated monarch even when the monarch was smitten by God with the supernatural disorder Boanthropy - DANIEL 4 . King Nebuchadnezzar's son, Awel-Marduk treated the captive King Jehioichin kindly, by allowing him to put aside his prisoner's clothing and eat at the monarch, Awel-Marduk's table - JEREMIAH 52 . Persian monarch, King Ahasureus who unknowingly married a Jewess, and elevated her to Queen, Esther, dealt k...
 Purplelinacoffeeangel's ode to a dearly departed friend who also dyed her hair purple! Poem composed by Francesca Darien-Hyde upon hearing (16/4/2021) the death of a friend  Love of architecture Love of space Love of hospitality Love of grace. Fiercely independent Colouring our hair deep purple The ultimate act of freedom Sticking to the Bible whilst rejecting all falsehood from Christendom! Dearly beloved Marni as you await the resurrection call of the Messiah Loved ones waiting to welcome you back, Satan proved a liar! After your sister died, dear Marni you became battle weary yet remained battle strong Of this world (Satan's) you did not belong Seeking shelter in the secret place of the Most High The hope of everlasting life spring eternal, it will never die.
  Architecture of Hope - The Resurrection  15/04/2021 Today I felt inspired to write a poem but I was unsure about what the subject matter should be. On my walk from my home up to the local pond, from Mayfield Road to Sanderstead Pond, the church and cemetery I felt inspired to write a poem for the fallen soldiers and civilians. Reading the memorial to the civilians and soldiers of world war one 1914-1918 I composed this short poem... Visiting Sanderstead All Saints Cemetery today Sun shinning down on the righteous and the unrighteous Resurrection looms near Gleaming headstone silently proclaim loves yesteryears Simbosis between clay and soil Miracles yet to behold All hopes dependent on Yeshua's call Listen out all ye valiant soldiers God longs for the works of his hands Future restoration guaranteed Paradise lost paradise regained Welcoming back those fallen asleep Former soldierly deeds remembered no more Yahweh has washed clean the slate You sit hugging fallen comrades, fa...
Birds of a feather flock together - 1 CORINTHIANS 15:33 When it comes to feeling safe in a church/temple/synagogue etc the individuals we align ourselves with in and outside the church will determine whether or not we have God's approval. As a heterosexual single Christian, I do not wish to be surrounded by dissatisfied and miserable married couples, equally nor do I want to be surrounded by immoral singletons or married persons seeking unscriptural ways out of their marriage. In the organisation that I belonged to for over 3 decades the issues that were prevalent included divorce, adultery, underage sex, sexting, love triangles, gossip, slander, immodest clothing, immoral entertainment - violent, immorality, spiritistic movies, music and books, and lip service to agape love to God and the congregants. Please let me be clear - I have no problem in forgiving a believer who has erred and is repentant, however when the church holds itself up as the true religion and advocates that eve...
Currently seeking God's version of Noah's Ark - his saving organisation - Safe only Yahweh shut the door of the Ark 7:16 From my understanding of scripture - God's organisation will display the following characteristics - 1) Use of the name God's name Yahweh 2) Acknowledgement that Yeshua/Jesus is not not God Almighty but is the son of God (No Trinity doctrine) 3) No paganism including idols, the crucifix, statutes of Mary, celebration of pagan festivals - Christmas & Easter 4) Teachings based on the scriptures and not on their own opinions 5) Demonstration of agape love and not just lip service 6) Incidents of immorality should be rare not the norm 7) The organisations leaders and congregants should not be entertained by immoral, violent, or spiritistic movies/music/books  8) Rare incidents of divorce if at all 9) Dress code = modest - for men and women and children - no short skirts, no low tops, no see through tops, modest heels, suits not too tight etc. 10) Wors...
Deception a sign of the times - 2 TIMOTHY 3:13  Over the past 2 years my business interests have been targeted - a hate crime. My business was cyberhacked, the business cards I designed a few months ago taken, the business cards a former business associate designed for me 18 months ago stolen from the post office. My business cards have my own image on them - I am 50, studied Intellectual Property Law, as a teenager and have always been protective of my business interests. Learning to navigate the web has been a challenge as I am a confessed technophobe. Quirky and unconventional - 777 FDH - 7 stands for complete in the Bible - and as a single woman I feel complete in God's love. Unconventional I have two copyrighted curved tattoos on my shoulders - Cescalovesjazz on one shoulder and a hummingbird, the symbol of resilience along with my ethos - celebration of creativity.
 Happy are those pure in heart - for the kingdom of God belongs to such ones - MATTHEW 5, PSALM 1:1-3 After the Jews instigated the death and martyrdom of the Jewish spiritual supernatural leader Yeshua, Yeshua did not mince his words - the Jews were the 'killers' of the prophets and those sent to prophesy to them the Jews mistreated. Jeremiah was tortured by being put in the stocks by a Jewish priest Pashur, and many of his fellow Jews mocked and mistreated him.  Yahweh, the God of the Jews and all other nations, condemned their idolatry and the way they preferred false prophets and false visionaries over those sent by Yahweh himself. Like a husbandly owner, God Yahweh, abandoned the Jewish people as a nation, but loves the Jewish people dearly as individuals.  With the diaspora of nations, God's people are scattered among the nations and they will be gathered together spiritually and saved individually and collectively through the upcoming great tribulation and war of A...
Cancel Cancel - Nothing New -JEREMIAH 18   The Bible's message of worshipping one God Almighty and adhering to his moral standards became affected by the cancel culture of the religious misleaders. JEREMIAH 18:18 says clearly of the priests - let us attack him (Jeremiah) with our tounges and pay no attention to anything he (Jeremiah) says. Weaponising their words against God's prophet only brought them Yahweh's disapproval and wrath and it will be a similar outcome at the great tribulation and beyond. A famine for the word of God will occur, when false religion is destroyed. Only those with wisdom from heaven will continue to thrive inspite of the world's cold conditions. Let's be resolved to remain firm in the faith! The cancel culture, today affects individuals and businesses. Mean spirited men, women and children, hunt in packs of wolves - devouring others and seeking to ruin their reputations, even silencing or restricting their message - however Jeremiah's ...
 Yahweh as an artisan Potter - JEREMIAH 18 The prophetic book of Jeremiah - likens Yahweh to a potter who works with clay and moulds items as he pleases. In the analogy - humans are likened to clay, clay vessels. Depending on how we respond in the hands of the potter, we become molded as vessels of honourable purpose or vessels fit for destruction - the choice is ours and our Creator honours our choice. If we listen, adhere to instruction and yield as instructed, we grow in wisdom. If we hardened our hearts to his wisdom - Yahweh's only option is to break us to pieces - as he would a vessel fit for destruction - JEREMIAH 18, ROMANS 9:21, 2 TIMOTHY 2:20 . Women are sometimes referred to as the weaker vessel - but this is meant in no way to demean women, the Bible verse is reminding husbands and others to show respect and honour to women/wives, as many have a sensitivity that is merely a reflection of how they are created. It is not to be seen as a defect, nor as something to be take...
What is a Jew? ROMANS 2:28-29. From my perspective a Jew is open for debate - I refer to myself as a spiritual Jew. My spiritual leader Yeshua was born from Jewish ancestry, live d as a Jew, was raised as a Jew by Jewish parents, taught in the Jewish synagogues and also disseminated ethical and spiritual guidelines applicable to persons of diverse heritages.  Yeshua was clear he came to fulfil the law - the Torah and not to destroy it. All those who refer to themselves as Christians today derive their faith from the Bible, which was written in Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek. The God Yeshua published was called Yahweh by the Jews, it remains his personal name today and I absolutely delight in using God's personal name when I pray audibly, which I do every day, as I find it draws me closer to my Creator.
 Justin Welby - First and Foremost Kind and Compassionate For years I have admired Justin Welby - although I do not necessarily agree with all his doctrinal views. Learning from others with whom we have difference theological perspectives is humbling. I love the Archbishop's book on 'Dethroning Mamon'. I read it within 2 days of purchasing. The eloquent, yet no-nonsense way in which he presents the gospel is so refreshing I had a major paradigm shift about the way in which Yeshua/Jesus dealt with others throughout his ministry. In reaching out to the lepers, the outcasts, the marginalised, he restored them psychically, spiritually and socially. I recommend this book on the BookBub website as one of my favourite reads. I hope he enjoyed reading my gift book - the Bible Simplified in 40 Q&A's.
Bereavement, no matter how devastating will be temporary - JOHN 11:25-26   Death, bereavement is so sad, heartbreaking and can open up a void like nothing else. I love the New Testament - Recovery Version - ACTS 11:25-26 where it says that Yeshua/Jesus/the Archangel, is the the resurrection. He has the authority and power to resurrect our loved ones who have passed on. In this version of the Bible - the scripture is illuminated in such a comforting way because it says clearly that anyone who believes in Yeshua will by no means die forever. In other words, even though a person may die, the do not die forever, Yeshua has the will and the ability and the power to resurrect such ones as the Messiah pleases. I wish the royal family in the UK and all those connected to them - LOVE..
Middle Eastern Politics - Sign of the Times- Monarchs/Princes Dethroned - 2 SAMUEL 13, LUKE 21:16 Prince Absalom assassinates his half siblings princes in an attempt to dethrone King David. All over the Middle East various power struggles ensure among the monarchies and the politicians. Those who are resident in those countries - and to us observers - we are cognizant that these things are just the sign of the times - LUKE 21:16. Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, (Saudi Arabia), carried out what he termed an anti-corruption purge of his kingdom. imprisoning many princes and business elites. Prince Hamzah of Jordan, has been dethroned by King Abdullah, for allegedly attempting to destabilise the kingdom.  As a Bible observer, I remain neutral as to politics, however I can see why many in those regions feel disillusioned with their governments. All worldly governments disappoint. All worldly governments and monarchs are imperfect, no matter how noble they may seem.  Yeshua stated that...
Governments Will Seek to Weaponise Laws and Regulations Against God's People - DANIEL 7:25. The antidote - Obey God as ruler rather than men - ACTS 5:29. Some have predicted that speaking the gospel's message will become deemed as hate speech - and that world governments will seek to censor conservative Christians in an attempt to eradicate or slow down their message - by passing laws and regulations restricting and penalising adherence to scripture. Laws being weaponised against religious people is not a 21st century phenomenon. The Babylonian satraps passed a law that no-one in King Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom could pray to other god or human other than King Nebuchadnezzar, would be thrown to into the lion's den. Daniel, was thrown into the lion's den for praying to Yahweh, but was rescued by a guardian angel - DANIEL 6. If one finds oneself in the situation of whether to choose to obey God's law where man's law contravenes God's law, then God expects his...
 Intelligent Reading That Will Inspire - The The Architecture of Happiness is being in a light filled building  In the Bible - light is associated with spiritual illumination
Why the resurrection hope is the only hope? ACTS 24:15 - There will be a resurrection ... For the Covid 19 victims who have died prematurely, to the innocent victims who have been killed by acts of wickedness, to victims of suicide, to casualties of war civilians, soldiers, - irrespective of how people pass on from this world to their grave - the resurrection hope is a GUARANTEE! Yeshua will resurrect those who are in the memorial tombs to be reconciled with their families - not in heaven but the on the earth. Many will feel perturbed by hearing that their loved ones are no presently in heaven, it is because God of heaven,  them to reunited with their families on EARTH. The planet was created for families to live on forever. God's plan has not changed - nor has his plan for salvation changed.  When our ancestors, Adam and Eve forfeited eternal life - God told them they would return to dust from they had come. He did not hold out heaven as a reward for their disobedience. He d...
Bible reading becomes more interesting and exciting on a daily basis! 50% of the Bible read since January 2021. Bible reading keeps you humble. The more I study the Bible deeply, the more I become cognizant of how much more there is to learn. Bible inspires me every day - even though I have been reading it for the past 4 decades. I keenly examine the FT and other reputable sources of information and parallel how modern day examples of living compare to the peoples of the Bible era. As a prophetic student, I keenly scan the papers for anything that resembles fulfilment of Bible prophecy. PSALM 119:97 - How I do love your instructions ...
JEALOUSY is POISON Except when the true God Almighty exercises his to exclusive devotion from his chosen followers.  EXODUS 20:3 God hates idolatry and states clearly that as a jealous God, He expects faithful devotion - no statutes, no rosaries, no shrines, no ancestor worship, no occult rituals and no polytheism. Jealousy in the form of children is understandable because they are immature and it takes time for maturation to develop. I hate Jealousy in all its form - I cut off from a group of women and men that were jealous. Jealous of other people's names, other people's business, other people's connections, other innovative people's innovative ideas. such ones lack spiritual and ethical maturity and harbour malice. This is the reason why people troll others, try to ruin other people's businesses and reputations. So happy that trolling and cyber-bullying is illegal - under the Malicious Communications Act. I have NEVER EVER experienced not even a pang of jealousy....