Currently seeking God's version of Noah's Ark - his saving organisation - Safe only Yahweh shut the door of the Ark 7:16

From my understanding of scripture - God's organisation will display the following characteristics -

1) Use of the name God's name Yahweh

2) Acknowledgement that Yeshua/Jesus is not not God Almighty but is the son of God (No Trinity doctrine)

3) No paganism including idols, the crucifix, statutes of Mary, celebration of pagan festivals - Christmas & Easter

4) Teachings based on the scriptures and not on their own opinions

5) Demonstration of agape love and not just lip service

6) Incidents of immorality should be rare not the norm

7) The organisations leaders and congregants should not be entertained by immoral, violent, or spiritistic movies/music/books 

8) Rare incidents of divorce if at all

9) Dress code = modest - for men and women and children - no short skirts, no low tops, no see through tops, modest heels, suits not too tight etc.

10) Worship songs that are theocratically sound

11) Preaching of the word even during the Covid-19 era

In the future post Covid-19, it is my belief that many will not return to their former churches, because they have weighed those organisations in the balance and found them wanting. 


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