Happy are those pure in heart - for the kingdom of God belongs to such ones - MATTHEW 5, PSALM 1:1-3

After the Jews instigated the death and martyrdom of the Jewish spiritual supernatural leader Yeshua, Yeshua did not mince his words - the Jews were the 'killers' of the prophets and those sent to prophesy to them the Jews mistreated. Jeremiah was tortured by being put in the stocks by a Jewish priest Pashur, and many of his fellow Jews mocked and mistreated him. 

Yahweh, the God of the Jews and all other nations, condemned their idolatry and the way they preferred false prophets and false visionaries over those sent by Yahweh himself. Like a husbandly owner, God Yahweh, abandoned the Jewish people as a nation, but loves the Jewish people dearly as individuals. 

With the diaspora of nations, God's people are scattered among the nations and they will be gathered together spiritually and saved individually and collectively through the upcoming great tribulation and war of Armageddon.

I love the Jewish people as much as I love any other nation, however, true worshippers of Yahweh are like gold dust, very rare, within the secular society in which we live. God is searching the hearts for the meek and humble, Yahweh is not interested in the colour of their skin, nor is he interested in their outward appearance, nor is he interested in their bank accounts, nor is he interested in their social status or in how many likes they get on secular social media platforms. Yahweh is interested in how often and how deeply we pray to him, whether we live moral lifestyles, whether our music and entertainment is free from spiritism, sexual immoral lyrics, false religious teachings etc.

I used to love listening to Ave Maria - sung so beautifully by Aaron Neville, until I stopped and reflected that Ave Maria is a song of praise to Mary - would Yahweh want his worshippers to give undue attention to  Mary - the earthly mother of Yeshua and certainly not the mother or God - of course not. 

I used to love listening to Bjork - until I looked up the meaning of her name - witchcraft. Bjork, as lovely and unconventional as the Icelandic singer is, was raised in the occult. Whilst I have nothing against Bjork, my deepened spiritual conscience is no longer able to tolerate any music which may have links to pagan and or occult influences.

I also stopped listening to RnB music, most of which glorified sex before marriage and other illicit relationships - was no longer the kind of music that I felt comfortable with.

I am not the only person who is reflecting on their own love of music and questioning whether changes need to made in line with my God given conscience.

Reading Pharrell Williams speak so candidly about his own paradigm shift from Blurred Lines and how he had moved away from that kind of music, I am slightly older, and also reflected on my choice of music and found that I also had a problem with Blurred Lines, as much as I absolutely adore Robin Thicke's early music, the clean songs. 

I have nothing against either, I admire them both - however the deeper I read my Bible, the more I am being chastised by God - Yahweh is saying to me - what on earth have you been listening to and watching - throw out music that is not clean, and throw out any other forms of entertainment that my God forbids. The scriptures say clearly - quit touching the unclean thing and I will bring you in. 

My conscience is different from others and that is ok - however I cannot recommend the kind of artists and music that I used to before.

Listening to Jarrod Lawson, of whom I have met twice with his wife, I loved his first album and the live BBC album, however, on reflecting on the lyrics - his understanding of the great tribulation, which the song seem to imply was already here, was not accurate according to scripture and so I became more choosy about which songs I choose to play simply because we are what we feed our hearts and minds with. 

As an advocate for pure religion as revealed in scripture, I cannot give praise to false teachings or a false God. Eg I can no longer sing - Santa Claus is Coming to Town, although when I was growing up Bruce Springsteen's song was one of my favourite Christmas songs, as I used to celebrate Christmas. I no longer choose to celebrate Christmas, simply because I have carried out independent research and found that it is a pagan festival which would not have Yahweh's approval.

What Covid-19 reflection time has taught me - prepare for persecution, prepare to experience a paradigm shift in your thinking and relationship with God, and friendships. I am no longer entertained by some of the things that my peers find entertaining. I have learnt so much from the American preachers, who, sad to say, seem to take the gospel's message more seriously than the country in which I am native to.

Choosing to listen to deeper, reflective, cleaner music - does not mean that I am condemning those artists whom I used to love playing, it is simply that as I mature as a Christian, my conscience becomes more in sync with the Bible - where it is clear that whatever things are loveable, chaste, pure etc continue considering and reflecting on these things - that includes music and programs - 1 CORINTHIANS 13:4-8. I tend only to watch documentaries on Youtube and Christian programs, or the old black and white movies, some of which has less salacious content. 

Many all over the world are experiencing a spiritual revival. Many are simply experiencing a deeper paradigm shift in drawing closer to the scriptures and as myself am holding the mirror of God's word closer to my face and making changes.

As a result 50% of my music was discarded, 70% of my wardrobe was discarded, books, dvd's were thrown out - forgot the cost - the cost meant nothing - I considered those things as refuse when compared to the jewels found in God's word.

In experiencing a major paradigm shift - I came back to humble. 

I wish to thank the male preachers in particular, who are very straight and no nonsense in their way of explaining scripture. As a husbandless woman, I graciously receive their frank counsel, that I would have received had I had a husband. So for all of those women, married to caring, loving and wise husbands, thank you for allowing your husbands to preach in the virtual online world, where millions can receive wise counsel.

Not one to be easily influenced, I ensure that my Bibles x 8 are always close by, so that I can verify what is said. It does not always accord with the scriptures, and where their counsel deviates from God's word, I choose God's word.

Thank you to all those who have contributed to major paradigm shifts in understanding of the Bible and in what agape love is - it is sorely lacking in many establishments. It is wonderful to feel the love from complete strangers, many in different countries, all interestingly who are married to lovely wives. I one day hope to complement my future husband in such a wonderful way. 


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