Except when the true God Almighty exercises his to exclusive devotion from his chosen followers. 

EXODUS 20:3 God hates idolatry and states clearly that as a jealous God, He expects faithful devotion - no statutes, no rosaries, no shrines, no ancestor worship, no occult rituals and no polytheism.

Jealousy in the form of children is understandable because they are immature and it takes time for maturation to develop.

I hate Jealousy in all its form - I cut off from a group of women and men that were jealous. Jealous of other people's names, other people's business, other people's connections, other innovative people's innovative ideas. such ones lack spiritual and ethical maturity and harbour malice. This is the reason why people troll others, try to ruin other people's businesses and reputations.

So happy that trolling and cyber-bullying is illegal - under the Malicious Communications Act.

I have NEVER EVER experienced not even a pang of jealousy. I was brought up to feel happy with my own accomplishments, no matter how humble. I learnt valuable lessons from a joint failed business venture when I was younger. I never compare myself to others - GAL ATIANS 6:4-5 - where we are encouraged to take pride in our own accomplishments, not comparing ourselves to others.

Today I looking forward to receiving my custom made business shopping bag and small canvas bag with my image of my business blog address and photo. It is merely as a means of encouraging discussion about the Bible.

I do not believe in thrusting religion down anyone's throat or in indoctrination. I feel, that religion, philosophy, politics etc should be discussed by choice.


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