Bereavement, no matter how devastating will be temporary - JOHN 11:25-26


Death, bereavement is so sad, heartbreaking and can open up a void like nothing else.

I love the New Testament - Recovery Version - ACTS 11:25-26 where it says that Yeshua/Jesus/the Archangel, is the the resurrection. He has the authority and power to resurrect our loved ones who have passed on. In this version of the Bible - the scripture is illuminated in such a comforting way because it says clearly that anyone who believes in Yeshua will by no means die forever.

In other words, even though a person may die, the do not die forever, Yeshua has the will and the ability and the power to resurrect such ones as the Messiah pleases.

I wish the royal family in the UK and all those connected to them - LOVE..


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